Academic Researcher

Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences

Volume 01, Issue 01, 2024

An Official Journal of Fazaia Ruth Pfau Medical College

Review Guidelines

The journal implements a double-blind peer-review procedure, which ensures the anonymity of both the reviewers and the authors. The reviewers are given an average of two weeks to thoroughly review each manuscript. Moreover, only one manuscript is assigned to a single reviewer at a time.

The review report should provide comprehensive and rationally engaging feedback to enhance the quality of the manuscript. A suggested format includes; i) a summary ii) major issues, and iii) minor issues. Constructive analysis is encouraged, especially for revisions. Confidential comments that the reviewer would not like to direct to the authors can be included separately under the section “Comments for the Editor”.

Key Evaluation Points

Reviewers are suggested to consider these core aspects across disciplines:

a) Research Questions: Assess the validity of the research questions posed.

b) Sample Size: Evaluate the adequacy of the sample size.

c) Ethical Approval: Verify the presence of necessary ethical approval and consent.

d) Methods and Design: Judge if methods and study design align with research objectives.

e) Experimental Controls: Evaluate the presence of appropriate controls.

f) Method Reporting: Check if methods, equipment, and materials are adequately detailed for reproducibility.

g) Statistical Tests: Evaluate the appropriateness and accuracy of statistical tests.

h) Figures and Tables: Assess clarity and accuracy of visual representations.

i) Literature Context: Examine whether previous research is discussed and results are compared.

j) Citations: Check for relevant and appropriate citations, avoiding over-referencing to authors' work.

k) Results and Conclusions: Determine if results support the conclusions drawn.

l) Research Limitations: Ensure acknowledgment of research limitations.

m) Abstract Accuracy: Verify if the abstract provides a balanced and accurate summary.

n) Language Clarity: Evaluate the clarity and understandability of the language used.

Review Submission and Deadlines

Submit review comments via manuscript tracking system by the agreed deadline. If unable to meet the deadline, contact the editorial office for an alternative arrangement.

Focus on Scientific Evaluation

Concentrate on objectively critiquing the scientific aspects, including methodology soundness and conclusion support. Your final recommendation will help guide the editorial decision:

  1. Consider after Minor Revision
  2. Consider after Major Revision
  3. Reject with No Resubmission

Note that the Editor-in-Chief ultimately makes the decision.

Reporting Guidelines

Though not mandated, the use of reporting guidelines is encouraged. Use relevant guidelines to assess the submission:

  • CONSORT: For randomized controlled trials
  • TREND: For non-randomized trials
  • PRISMA: For systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • CARE: For case reports
  • STROBE: For observational studies
  • STREGA: For genetic association studies
  • SRQR: For qualitative studies
  • STARD: For diagnostic accuracy studies
  • ARRIVE: For animal experiments

Publication Ethics

Adhere to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Refer to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers for best practices in peer review.


Maintain strict confidentiality for manuscripts under review. Avoid sharing or discussing content outside the peer review process. Consult with colleagues on request while maintaining manuscript confidentiality. Declare any such consultation in the 'Comments to the Editor' section.

Conflicts of Interest

Reviewer should decline review request if he/she:

  • Recently published or submitted with any author
  • Share affiliations with authors
  • Collaborate or collaborated recently with author(s)
  • Have a close personal connection to the author(s)
  • Have a financial interest in the subject
  • Feel unable to be objective
  • Declare remaining interests in the 'Confidential' section of the review form, which the editor will consider. Remember, your review plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal.

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Masood Ahmed

Publication Frequency: Bi-Annual

Full Title: Academic Researcher: Journal of Basic & Clinical Sciences

Abbreviated Title: Acad Res Basic Clin Sci

Area of Publication: Clinical and Basic Science Research

Publication Fee: The journal publishes articles free of cost. No processing fee or publication fee will be levied on authors for the publication of their articles.

Managing Editor: Mehjabeen Khan